
Monday, November 02, 2009

100 Objects for a Fluxbox (for George Maciunas) [list no. 5]

100 Objects for a Fluxbox (for George Maciunas)

1 - a die for casting
2 - a small labeled bottle with dropper
3 - a lock of hair
4 - an old glass marble
5 - a tourist collector's spoon from somewhere
6 - a whistle
7 - ein Fledermaus-Haar
8 - eine Augenklappe mit Gummiband
9 - eine Handvoll Heimaterde
10 - ein Sesambrötchen
11 - eine kleine Flasche Wein
12 - eine Messerspitze Glück
13 - einen Teelöffel Hoffnung
14 - eine Brise Zukunft
15. a hundred small objects
16. the hair of the dawg that bit you
17. pencil shavings
18. chewed gum
19. parking tickets
20. a holy medal
21. rusted bolt
22. the bone of a saint
23. hearing aid
24. burned love letters
25. forgiveness
26-ena skordo
27-ena kremidi
28-ena ikario ftero
29-ena psari
30-mia flojera
31-ena oniro
32-ena karavi
33-ena partheno dakri
34. a thimbleful of gravel
35. grays collected from friends.
36. fingernail clippings
37. lost screws
38. used dental floss
39. champagne corks
40. pencil shavings
41. tin can lid with "unit" written on it
42- einen Heidelberger Studentenkuss
43- einen Bierdeckel (von der Brauerei Schlossquell Heidelberg)
44- einen Gratis-Parkschein für den Marktplatz Heidelberg
45- ein Blatt vom Hortus Palatinus
46- ein Photo von der Alten Búecke in Heidelberg
47. a shredded weight
48. a corn plaster
49 a toasted tea towel
50. a deep fried pen
51. a roasted button
52. a frozen thread
53. a carmelized piece of paper
54. an electric pickle extractor
55. a hand torn piece of paper with nothing special drawn on it
56. a red circle with nothing in it
57. an email from allan with nothing special on it.
58. 8oz of noise, canned
59. 10lbs of silence, wrapped in cellophane
60. one tortilla
61. a year's worth of pocket lint
62. a toothbrush with the bristles burnt off
63. ham salad in a tube
64. the negative from your last polaroid
65 A list of instructions called How To Follow Instructions
66 A seagull's shadow
67 Instructions for crows
68 Things best left unimagined
69 A distorted truth
70. a distorted tooth
71. some zen
72. hannah wilke's gum
73. thimble
74. pipe cleaners
75. hershey bar
76. blank piece of paper no larger that 7 cm. in any dimension, must be hand
torn at all edges
77. nothing special
78. A fossilised fez
79. A cat named Des
80. A roaming candle
81. Catherine's will
82. metro tickets from strangers
83. taxi notes
84. bus stop routes
85. car filters
86. a map from India
87. a pink pen
88. a dried tea bag
89. a coffee filter with coffee in it
90. a spider's web
91. A Flux-TV Guide
92. A Pox Upon a Time
93. An infinite series of consecutive numbers that rhyme
94. A spinning planet without George Brecht
95. The letter H spelled out in longhand
96. Things Ben Vautier forgot to sign
97. some doodles
98. some noodles
99. a stamp
100. an object from a drawer

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